Thursday, March 17, 2016

Book Cover: Bob Dylan

Well, here is a book cover itself. Thanks for the suggestions on Moodle.
I wanted to make it look close to the 60s time; that's why I chose these colors. As you can see, the name of the book and the author are painted in hippie-kinda patterns, and I used my drawing of Bob Dylan there.  I didn't want to add too many pictures, drawings, and models, so the cover could be kept simple.
I've added everything I wanted on the back side of the book - it's a FREEWHEELIN' album cover, acoustic guitar, and a book description.
Your comments and suggestions are very welcome!

Images used for a book cover

I hope he looks like Bob Dylan. According to your kind suggestions, I optimized my book cover idea and have drawn this portrait and used it on my book cover.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Preliminary Sketches for a Book Cover

For my book cover design, I chose a revolutionary folk singer - Bob Dylan. 

 While thinking of the hero for my book I was sitting in the cafe, where one guitar player was playing 'Hotel California' in such a passionate manner, which brought me to the atmosphere of my parents' youth times.
That's how I brought to my memory this musician. While singing, he used to use two musical instruments, which are classical guitar and a harmonica. Bob Dylan was the first folk musician who 'went electric'.
That's why I decided to illustrate on sketches his musical instruments.
But the main figure is Bob Dylan himself. His face is the icon of the 60s folk music. He was like a miracle of that time. He never followed the rules imposed by someone else, he always played music and sang songs as they were in his head. This all was reflected on his rebel looking face.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

We are the last generation... [Part 2]

Here is what I came up with so far. Your constructive comments are very welcome!
As you can see, this is an environmental awareness poster, where I tried to illustrate the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's quote stating: "We are the last generation that can fight climate change. We have a duty to act." This poster is supposed to remind everyone that we do not have much time to think whether global warming exists. Planet Earth is already warming up, and ice glaciers are continually melting, thus increasing the sea level. If this process continues, it is projected that small island states will soon start sinking. Then coastal regions of many countries will also be negatively affected. The year of 2015 is reported to be the hottest year since the beginning of the meteorological recording. The worst case scenario of global temperature rise projected by the International Panel on Climate Change is 4-8 degrees Celsius. If this forecast comes true, the world will face challenges of the tremendously negative impact that we, as humanity, will not be able to fix. Therefore, the message of this poster is clear. It is calling for urgent actions to save our planet... before it is too late.

P.S. This is a modified version for the poster. All thanks to our Professor Hiuni! I like this one even more! and it is 11"x17"

We are the last generation...

Here is my preliminary sketch for my environmental awareness poster. 
The last term I was studying Ecology and sustainability subject and for one essay I discovered Ban Ki-moon's quote stating: "We are the last generation that can fight climate change. We have a duty to act." This quote touched my heart and every since it just doesn't go out of my head and I remember it with every my act. 
On my future poster, I want to show melting planet Earth. It is more like melting ice cape and increasing water level and overall raise of temperature, due to a high level of CO2 emissions. This melting water is playing the role of the sand and sand clocks, showing that there is not much time left. You can also observe the time limit from the background. It will be clear on the poster, that it is a sunset, foreshowing the coming night = the end. No one will be able to live in such a circumstances. 
Therefore, we - humanity - have a duty to act. That is why I  chose man's hand holding time and melting planet. Our lives and the life of whole Earth are in our hands. It is already too late, but we still can fight Climate Change and rescue mother Earth from Apocalypse.